Who Are We

EnviPro Technology Company Limited is a leading environmental and health consulting company in Hong Kong. With a team of professional engineers and qualified environmental consultants, we provide one-stop professional consultancy, service and support to both public and private sectors across Asia Pacific.

Our Mission

We strive to positively transform our environment and communities, and shape a sustainable future. We endeavour to be continuously innovative, responsive, and reliable.

Our Services

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A)

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) Services

Green Building Certification Consultancy (BEAM Plus / LEED / WELL)

Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Environmental Testing

Odour Impact Assessment

Building Inspection

Daylight and Overshadow Assessment

Carbon Footprint and Energy Management Consultancy

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Consultancy and Reporting Services

Land Contamination Assessment

Tree Survey and Ecological Consultancy

Air Pollution Control Management Services

Air Pollution Control Management Services

Noise, Acoustic and Vibration Consultancy

Water Quality Assessment

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Contact Us

Unit 03, 16/F, Chinachem Tsuen Wan Plaza
455 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

Contact Us

Tel: 2951-4138
Fax: 2402-3363
E: info@envi-pro.com